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Remove thick scroll bar, Chat room links, name changes, our star

Remove thick scroll bar, Chat room links, name changes, our star

Oxilated , 29.09.2013, 18:59
Response from the site administrator
CarloV, 29.09.2013
Name changes and star will come later when we also have games on the site, so be patient for that, the scrollbar issue in chat and Chat room links should be expected soon
Idea status: scheduled


Anonymous, 06.10.2013, 02:32
When we get name-changes, we should be allowed to only have 2 free name changes. I think it'd be more convient, knowing people they chat with can get confused with keeping up with others' usernames. This number of name-changes can reduce to 1 free name change or increase to 50, whatever you think is best of course.

Another idea is that when users that just signed up, they should have unlimited name changes for about 2-6 hours. This is just incase that they don't like the name they signed up with and want to change it rather than waste their free ones.

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