6 votes Vote

Give someone on volrac.com regularly a game mod.

We should give someone that goes on regularly/pays attention to the chat game mod. Since there is nothing to do on the site, (besides chat, which is really great) but games are actually really fun to play so someone should get game mod while all the other mods are off! I've noticed games are usually played for 3 hours and that's a short amount of time out of 24 hours. It can be anyone you select, just make sure it's not anyone that will stir up drama or use their mod for their own personal business.

Then again, it's just a suggestion.

S W A G G Y , 30.03.2014, 04:58
Idea status: under consideration


I G G Y T H E P I G G Y, 30.12.2014, 21:40
Agree! Thumbs up!

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